Nutritional Value of Millet | Millet Mill Plant

Millet Introduction
Millet nutritional value is very high, containing protein, fat and vitamins, in addition to food, but also for wine, maltose. Millet protein content higher than rice and fat, carbohydrate content is not lower than rice, wheat. It also contains carotene which the general food does not contain, vitamin B1 content in the top of all food.
Millet porridge has rich nutritional value, "generations of ginseng soup" laudatory name. Millet vitamin B1 can be several times higher than rice, the inorganic salt content is higher than rice. It is also rich in fat, 7.8 times higher than rice, and is mainly unsaturated fatty acids. In addition to rich iron, millet also has protein, compound vitamin B, calcium, potassium, fiber and so on. The quality of protein in millet is often better than wheat, rice and corn, but the lysine content of essential amino acids is low

Millet Nutrition and Efficacy
(1)vitamin B1, B12
Because millet is rich in vitamin B1, B12, it has effects of preventing indigestion and mouth sores.
Millet tryptophan content is first in grains, tryptophan has a role in regulating sleep.
(3)Amino acid
Rich amino acids help prevent miscarriage, antibacterial and prevent vaginal inflammation in women.
Millet is rich in zinc, can promote appetite, enhance immunity, promote growth and development, especially the children need to supplement.
(5)Iron, phosphorus
Millet high iron content, can prevent iron deficiency anemia. Phosphorus rich, 2.3 times of rice. This is why the millet can enrich the blood and brain.
(6)Vitamin E
Millet contains a lot of vitamin E, 4.8 times as much rice. Vitamin E can protect the body's cell membrane suffered oxidative damage and can remove oxygen free radicals and other metabolic waste.
(7)Dietary fiber
Millet dietary fiber content is rice, it is 4 times that of rice. ich dietary fiber can promote the excretion of feces.
Millet high potassium content of sodium is low, the ratio of potassium to sodium is 9:1, while millet is 66:1, often eat millet, beneficial to patients with hypertension.
Millet carbohydrates can maintain the normal function of brain cells, mental workers are essential energy.

Millet Purchase
High quality millet grain size, uniform color, milky white, yellow or golden yellow, shiny, little broken, no insects, no impurities. Take a small amount to be measured on the soft white millet, with the mouth to breathe and then rub fidibus wetting, millet several times, if there was a slight yellow on paper, such as yellow to yellow with millet. In addition, a small amount of water can be added to the sample to observe the color change of the water, such as a slight yellow, it is yellow pigment.
High quality millet smell with a fragrance, no other smell. Serious deterioration of the millet, hand twist easily into powder, much broken rice, smell a slight moldy flavor, sour smell, putrid odor or other abnormal smell.
High quality millet taste good, slightly sweet, no smell. Inferior millet taste tasteless, slightly bitter, astringent and other bad taste.
Fresh millet, wash with warm water when the color is not yellow, dyed millet, wash with warm water, water color was yellow.
Millet Storage Method
Millet lost the protective layer, the grain is smaller, the grain heap porosity is small, the impurity is many, the inside and outside gas is not easy to exchange. Millet generally contain more bran, bran contains more fat, under the condition of high temperature, easy to deteriorate, taste. When the temperature and moisture is higher, it will be fever and mildew. Early heating of the grain surface is moisture, 4 ~ 5 days after, beige is significantly lighter, lose luster, and husk removing, rice in heap began to agglomerate, the individual grains begin to mildew, the grain temperature rose rapidly. After 3 ~ 5 days, rice color mildew, brown, thick musty. Millet is usually placed in a cool, dry, well ventilated place, Before storage, if the water is too large, not exposure, can be dried in the shade. The rice bean should be removed before storage. After storage, if you found the moisture absorption, removal of bran and heating phenomenon, should timely wind sieving, removing bran cooling, to prevent mildew. Millet susceptible to moth larvae and other hazards, after the discovery of the upper part of the worm can be treated separately. You can place one bag of new pepper in the container to control pest.

Millet Variety
According to the mature sooner or later can be divided into early, medium and late three;
According to the properties of rice can be divided into glutinous millet and japonica millet two kinds of rice;
According to the hull color can be divided into yellow, white, brown bag, etc. Among them, the red and gray are mostly waxy, white, yellow, brown, cyan are most japonica millet. In general, the hull color is shallow, the skin is thin, and has a high rate of millet and good quality; But the hull color deep, the skin is thick, rice yield is low, quality is poor.



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